2025 Forks Community Days

September 12-14, 2025

Friday: 5:00pm - 10:00pm

Saturday: 11:00am - 10:00pm

Sunday: 11:00am - 7:00pm

Forks Community Park
500 Zucksville Road
Easton, PA 18040

Live Music

Enjoy a weekend filled with energetic live music from a variety of performers!

Family Fun

Hot air balloons, amusement rides, great food, and tons of family friendly fun!

Much Much More!

Check out the Entertainment page to learn all about the festival!


Live Performances


Vendor Booths


Event Sponsors


Incredible Days

Sponsorship Opportunities

Forks Community Days offers unique opportunities to position your brand and products in front of our fast-growing community. We offer a variety of sponsorship levels to fit the needs of any brand or organization looking to increase visibility.

Each Sponsor receives recognition on our website, in our festival program, and will have their name on the Forks Community Days T-Shirt. Each level of sponsorship comes with additional benefits and exposure. The sponsorship levels listed below are in increasing exposure order from least to greatest:

  • Friends of Community Days
  • White Sponsor
  • Gold Sponsor
  • Maroon Sponsor
  • Falcon sponsor

Just moved here and we thought that this event was awesome! So nice to see the community come together and have fun! There was something for all ages and we had a blast.

Become a Vendor

The Forks Community Days event is the perfect opportunity to fundraise, earn income, fundraise, or simply showcase your business or organization to the community!

Vendors have experienced much success in attending Forks Community Days which brings roughly 5,000 consumers each year.

Wow! We set up as a vendor for our first time at Community Days. What a wonderful, completely organized event! We are a new business to the area and I was blown away with how many fun filled activities for children, cleanliness and organization, and the community coming together for such a great event! Everyone who runs this event should feel very proud.


From New Jersey:

Take 22 West to 13th Street Exit. Off the exit, proceed to the traffic light. Make a left onto 13th Street. Proceed to the next traffic light and make a left on Bushkill Drive. Proceed approximately 2 miles and make a right onto Zucksville Road. Approximately 1 mile on the right you will see the Forks Township Community Center/Forks Community Park – turn right into drive.

From Allentown:

Take 22 East to 13th Street Exit. Off the exit, proceed to the traffic light. Make a left onto 13th Street. Proceed to the next traffic light and make a left on Bushkill Drive. Proceed approximately 2 miles and make a right onto Zucksville Road. Approximately 1 mile on the right you will see the Forks Township Community Center/Forks Community Park – turn right into drive.

©2025 Forks Township Community Days. Site By: KouryWeb